Thank you. It is beautiful. Thanks Casey Johnson, It's perfect. Let’s call them both done – the artist(s) did a fantastic job. I never imagined it would get here quickly. Il 28 aprile 1729, quando la Piscina probatica tornò a San Rocco, fu collocata sulla parete destra, sotto il « San Rocco nel deserto » dello stesso Tintoretto. I received my paintings and am very pleased. I stand front of them constantly staring and enjoying the beauty of it. It's stunning and thank you for giving me a way to hang it without a frame. It will hang with pride on my wall. Realizzazione: 1559 - 1559. I am happy with the quality. Upon shipping the paintings would you be able to provide us with a tracking number or estimated arrival date? Date: 1579 - 1581. Kathleen Henry, It looks very nice. Yes, thank you and sorry for the late answer. La presenza del miracolato con il giaciglio sulla spalla fa pensare che la scena sia ambientata nella piscina probatica di Betesda (casa della Misericordia) a Gerusalemme. You may purchase the artwork as oil painting reproduction, acrylic painting, watercolor, gouache, wax crayon, pencil sketch, pastel, and charcoal drawings. It's gorgeous!!! I am excited to see it in my home. From what I can see on the photo attached to your email, you did a good job. OK, you can ship. I must compliment your firm on your excellent packaging. TIA, Please don't cancel this order like the last one. I will send you a pic of it. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you, Kristen, The painting looks good to me and I'm happy for it to be shipped. Advanced thumbnail link with the name of the artist and title: This page was last modified 17 November 2020. It is beautiful. thank you for the photograh. Of angels and of men Please, go ahead with shipping. La studiosa ritiene che la zona inferiore delle due portelle fosse costituita originariamente da una “trabeazione liscia, probabilmente concepita da Tintoretto in rapporto a quelle del presbiterio e, forse, della navata della chiesa precedente”. Handmade art reproductions of La Probatica Piscina Italian Renaissance Tintoretto are available to be custom made as oil painting or other art forms. Nel quadro con protagonista San Rocco, il fulcro semantico sarebbe “la prassi dell’assistenza ospedaliera”, in quello con Gesù “il numero – enorme – dei bisognosi di cure e di aiuto”. Yung Chen, The picture looks great. I will surely tell my friends about Toperfect! Tintoretto dipinge un miracolo, eppure la sensazione è quella di caos e dramma (illuminante a questo proposito il già citato saggio di, utilizza i cookie per personalizzare i contenuti e gli annunci, fornire le funzioni dei social media e analizzare il traffico. Thanks, everything out look great! Both paintings look very nice. Many thanks. Please ship when you can. Have mercy on this fool. Thank you for allowing us to check it out before shipping. Just ship as is Thank you for advising me. yes, it looks good please proceed with shipping. Enjoy ur day. I am excited to receive it and I will send you a picture of it on my wall after I have it stretched. ... Again, thanks for the opportunity to give my input. Best, Julian, I'm very pleased with how they turn out and I'm looking forward to seeing them in person. Thank you for the fantastic job, Yes it looks beautiful please ship it out can’t wait to get it. His frame restor’d to health. Thank you, by the photo this looks excellent. This is to let you know that the last shipment referenced below arrived and the paintings are exquisite! How long it takes for shipping? The paintings on the walls depict various scenes from the New Testament. At Probatica Pool. Can't wait to receive them!! Louis. Free for non commercial use. See below. We appreciate your hard work and look forward to seeing it hanging in our house. In rueful mercy plea. (Giovanni, 5, 2-9 – tratto da La Sacra Bibbia ossia l’Antico e il Nuovo Testamento, tradotti da G. Diodati, Roma, 1903, p. 851). Emily Van Wagenen, Looks awesome! THANK YOU so much! i understand that it will not arrive before Christmas. They look great! Il 17 luglio del 1674,  le due ante risultavano già staccate dall’armadio e cucite in un unico quadro. The painting look spectacular. Tintoretto – Tintoretto La Probatica Piscina. It must be very difficult to reproduce accurately as I have seen some pretty poor results from others. Men’s misery to cure. Chiari Moretto Wiel, 2018, p. 38, n. 35). I agree to the shipment. I have received the painting and have had it framed. Sempre aperto alle più disparate esperienze, il Tintoretto non esita ad impadronirsi di quei moduli stilistici e di quegli schemi compositivi che gli si rivelano di volta in volta rispondenti agli immediati interessi espressivi, i quali continuano ad avere il sopravvento su preoccupazioni di ordine formale. If it is shipped now, Will we be able to receive it before the 18th of april? Tintoretto La Probatica Piscina — Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti) Go ahead and ship. They look lovely, we are very pleased with the results. Kind regards, Angus. I can't believe how talented your artists are. Would it be possible to change the size to 24x34 just like the first one ordered in May ?! The Chinese mountain in the fog painting looks great also. We are looking forward to having them all on our walls in our new home. For eight and thirty years so cruel La Piscina probatica prima del restauro del 1937 (tratto dal catalogo della Mostra del 1937). The second picture (below) I think is very nice. Please thank your art…. I received the pictures that I looked at today. Guest: Charles Coulombe, The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Saint Benedict Center in Richmond, New Hampshire, Brother Francis, M.I.C.M. I really like. We are so very happy with the results. They are beautiful – I am very pleased. It should also be the address on the order form. I received it yesterday. Beautiful! They are amazingo. Thank you again. “Sir, can you help me in my need Una delle migliori tele dipinte dal Tintoretto in questo periodo. Also, I have recommended your work to friend of mine. Oil Paintings of 150 Popular Subjects and Styles, La Probatica Piscina Italian Renaissance Tintoretto. We don’t need it for Christmas and OK to ship in a tube. Il progetto non andò mai in porto, perché contrastato dai frati del vicino convento dei Frari che si rifiutavano di “delegare l’assistenza dei malati e dei poveri all’istituzione laica” (cfr. Tintoretto painted ten large canvases for the long walls of the room (five on each), an altarpiece, The Apparition of St Roch, for the altar wall and two saints, St Roch and St Sebastian, for the wall opposite to the altar. It was a Gift for my wife as we fell is love with original at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy. cheers Own might and majesty. This looks beautiful! I really appreciate your great support. Opaque watercolor over graphite on gray wove paper, Image: 9 1/4 x 5 7/8 in. I can't wait to put it in my massage room for all of my clients to enjoy!!! It is more than I hoped it would be. I’ll talk to him again once these arrive…maybe he could be a resource for you. It looks Amazing! What a wonderful time that will be. My wife and I think it looks good. Thank you! I'm waiting to discover the other painting. We just finished a 14 month remodeling project and finally placed her in the perfect location for all to enjoy! The colors are vibrant and the detail is exquisite. In origine, il quadro era diviso in due parti e decorava gli sportelli di un grande armadio che conteneva le argenterie sacre della chiesa. Who is the artist? Gratefully Yours, Ronalda, I love it! I can not say Thank you enough. Yes - let’s arrange shipping please. Nazy, Hi. I cannot wait to receive it. The painting looks amazing. Celebre la figura del miracolato che, con in spalla il suo giaciglio, sembra avere tutta l’intenzione di uscire di scena (dal quadro). Hopefully these painting samples would bring both of us more business. Now I will never be without one. Read more about Jesus' Public Life. Il pathos e la drammaticità raggiunta con quest’opera apriranno un capitolo che d’ora in poi opporrà la produzione di Tintoretto a quella fastosamente mondana di Paolo Veronese. I just received it. I'm excited to see it in person. The painting looks fine. leila. Per rendersi conto di quanto innovativi siano i dipinti di Tintoretto e Pordenone è necessario confrontarli con, L’affresco di Mantegna è ambientato in una situazione architettonica simile ma, pur raffigurando un martirio e quindi una situazione altamente drammatica, la sensazione che abbiamo è di calma e profonda armonia. Very realistic and stunning. Da notare, ad esempio, come l’ombra del materasso oscura parte del corpo del paralitico che lo sostiene; a sua volta questo personaggio proietta la sua ombra su quella di Cristo che, a sua volta, la proietta sui malati accasciati al suo fianco (cfr. Una delle migliori tele dipinte dal Tintoretto in questo periodo. “Arise, take up thy bed and walk.” It looks great! They are fine and thank you. Please arrange for shipping. Thanks! Handmade art reproductions of La Probatica Piscina Italian Renaissance Tintoretto are available to be custom made as oil painting or other art forms. Have a wonderful day and thank you sir, again!!!!! Yes, please arrange shipment to the address listed below. Le piscine sono nominate nel Nuovo Testamento. Please feel free to ship at your convenience. These look gorgeous!!!!! Yes please ship! There goes another man before, Looks very nice. Brooklyn Museum, Purchased by public subscription, 00.159.68 Credit Purchased by public subscription Dimensions Image: 9 1/4 x 5 7/8 in. Thank you very much. I reviewed the first painting that you attached and am very pleased. That looks amazing, yes please ship when you can. Good Shepherd, Christ, heal my poor soul. We thank you from the bottom of our heart and we thank the most talented artists/proffesors that you have. Durante il restauro del 1675, il pittore Angelo Vidali avrebbe, però, adeguato il quadro al gusto dell’epoca, aggiungendo i mensoloni che compaiono nell’acquaforte di Lefebre, pubblicata pochi anni più tardi (1680), e non invece in una copia pittorica anonima, già nella Collezione W.B. […], Il primo a citare la tela del Tintoretto fu, In occasione della celebre mostra del Tintoretto del, L’ipotesi più recente, e sicuramente anche più attendibile, è quella di, Per valutare quanto profondamente Vidali avesse alterato l’idea originaria di Tintoretto, si consiglia di collegarsi al sito della, La datazione dell’opera è documentata da due ricevute di pagamenti: la prima, Collegamento iconologico tra San Rocco risana gli appestati e la Piscina probatica, I due quadri avrebbero lo scopo di comunicare lo, Elena Massimi non si è accorta che una conferma, di questa sua lettura iconologica della. Thanks, Jim & Lyn, The two paintings I ordered look good as photos. I was very happy with the results and the service. The painting arrived safely this afternoon. * Check here for Examples of High Quality, and of Reproduction by Professors. An angel does leap down, che ha cinque portici/3 In essi giaceva gran moltitudine d’ infermi, di ciechi, di zoppi, di secchi, aspettando il movimento dell’ acqua./4 Perciocché di tempo in tempo un angelo scendeva nella pescina, ed intorbidava l’acqua ; e il primo che vi entrava, dopo l’ intorbidamento dell’ acqua, era sanato, di qualunque malattia egli fosse tenuto. Il pittore veneziano si adeguò anche stilisticamente al quadro del Pordenone, sia ripetendo lo spazio angusto, costituito dal colonnato e dal basso soffitto a cassettoni, sia riprendendo il “drammatico contrasto tra luce e ombra che esalta la plasticità delle forme proiettate illusionisticamente oltre la cornice prospettica” (Furlan, 1988, p. 30). In occasione della celebre mostra del Tintoretto del 1937, tenutasi a Ca’ Pesaro (Venezia), fu deciso il restauro della tela ed eliminati i due plinti, aggiunti da Santo Piatti nel 1729. Thank you. Jacopo Tintoretto, The Cure at Bethesda ("The Probatic Pool") Circa 1579-81 Oil on canvas Scuola Grande di San Rocco The episode is recounted in John 5:2-9. Thank you so much!! Paul, It looks so very nice!!! Thank you! so sorry for my confusion! Thank you very Much, I love it! Thanks for everything. As well as the painter who completed the work. Dimensions: 533 x 529 cm. Looks terrific to me !!! Warm smiles. Cheers, Scott Hopkins, Thank you! Looking forward to adding these paintings to the dozen or so I have already purchased from your company. I think it would be better you send this painting after my holidays. Ray. Thank you for your mail and the picture. The painting looks pretty good to me. Thank you. Perfect, you can ship the painting. Best of luck to you... that will be fine. From the 18th on we will be away on holiday and would like to recieve it mid May. The painting looks very nice. Excited to receive it. Please ship. θεσδα ("Bethesda"), and modern English translations follow suit, but the Vulgate and Douay-Rheims have "Bethsaida." Thank you for sending it as soon as you can. Returns the glance this crippled man, Golovin di New York, che “presenta nella fascia interiore un muro formato da grossi blocchi di pietra, che sembrerebbero meglio giustificare la struttura architettonica della piscina” (2018, pp. I am pleased with the 3 paintings You have had done for me so please go ahead and ship them to me. Adina. Contact Us  |   His arms outstretched to their full span Perfect. I have placed today an other order with the number ***** with the given size 30x36 inches. The pictures are everything that I hoped and prayed for to give my wife for her birthday. Please proceed with framing and shipment. Enter your email address to receive notifications by email every time we post something to the site. Bob H. Thank you, the painting is fine. Thanks, John, Yes, it’s good this way. Hello Lewis. Thank you. I am happy with the picture of venice that i have purchased. The paintings are incredibly beautiful. reproduction. Please send shipping information when it ships so I can be home (I know this is probably your policy). the picture just looks perfect. You can frame and ship it. Please make framing and arrange for shipping. Thank you so much. Côte d'Ivoire has a general copyright term of 99 years and Honduras has 75 years, but they do implement that rule of the shorter term. I really enjoy having my walls filled with great art. Make it a great week. Today we received one painting of the boy with the tiger skin. Upon its porches five they wait A special thanks to you for your patience. Tutto l’opposto il dipinto di Tintoretto, in cui la scena è rinchiusa da un architettura bassa e claustrofobica, rispetto alla quale le figure appaiono gigantesche. My home looks stunning because of you and your wonderful artists. Best Regards, Lisa Bishop T.K. Grace is his medicine. The Painting Looks awesome. That looks great I think. Looks good. Looks good. Looks Great!!! / … E st’altro nudo in su quele cornise, / Che con le gambe l’ordene ressalta, / L’è d’una manierona cusì alta / Che ‘l rende maravegia…. Just wanted to let you know that I received the paintings today and thought they look fantastic and wanted to pass along my thanks to you and the artist. Tintoretto dipinge un miracolo, eppure la sensazione è quella di caos e dramma (illuminante a questo proposito il già citato saggio di Maria Elena Massimi). Il primo a citare la tela del Tintoretto fu Vasari (1568, p. 590) che la definì «ragionevole», ma la assegnò erroneamente a Giovanni Antonio de’ Sacchis detto il Pordenone, ingannato forse dalla presenza dell’altro armadio di simili dimensioni, decorato dal capolavoro I Santi Martino e Cristoforo (1527-1528), dipinto appunto dal Pordenone. I received my painting in perfect condition and I can't be more happy and pleased with the painting. Copyright Chorus Venezia. The present composition derives from the Piscina Probatica (or The Probatic Pool) by Jacopo Tintoretto (1518–1594) of 1559, made for the Church of San Rocco, Venice. Go ahead and frame and ship. You may frame it and send it! I really appreciate how you respond and update for everything thanks, The picture looks great. Venice Café ringrazia di cuore la Scuola Grande di San Rocco per la disponibilità con cui ha messo a disposizione del nostro sito il recente articolo di Anna Maria Chiari Moretto Wiel, dedicato alla collocazione originaria dei dipinti del Tintoretto nella chiesa di San Rocco (La riorganizzazione delle tele di Jacopo Tintoretto all’interno della chiesa di San Rocco, pubblicato nel «Notiziario della Scuola Grande Arciconfraternita di San Rocco»). They are beautiful! thanks Basak. Henderson, NV, I'm interested to buy this piece. La testimonianza del Boschini (1660) e alcune incisioni e copie del quadro sembravano, infatti, dimostrare che la fascia tolta nel 1937 fosse originale (cfr. They are beautiful. Tutto l’opposto il dipinto di Tintoretto, in cui la scena è rinchiusa da un architettura bassa e claustrofobica, rispetto alla quale le figure appaiono gigantesche. Yes, do you have all of my shipping information? I am more than happy with it! They are both beautiful and will be treasured for years to come. […], Dal 16 ottobre all'8 novembre 2020 al Museo di Storia Naturale la XIII edizione di "ABISSI. I find it beautiful, so you can arrange shipping. Fantastic good. Thanks again, Dawn Luna, Thanks for retouching the painting, I think she will look beautiful in our home. Per rendersi conto di quanto innovativi siano i dipinti di Tintoretto e Pordenone è necessario confrontarli con Il Martirio di San Cristoforo, affresco dipinto circa un secolo prima da Andrea Mantegna a Padova. Questo movimento, che parte da sinistra e finisce nella zona inferiore opposta, identifica una specie di ideale passaggio delle consegne da Cristo alla Scuola. I can’t wait to see the actual canvas!!!! We opened the package yesterday for my husband's 59th birthday.He loves the paintings.The one with the boats is better than the original!George is so thrilled with everything. Thank you. to put me in the wave. Thanks and have a wonderful Christmas!! Great customer service! Thanks. (Fakhri B. Maluf, Ph.D.), RIP Prior: Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M. The painting looks great. L’episodio citato da Manno si svolge, però, su un monte e non dentro un edificio. che ha cinque portici/3 In essi giaceva gran moltitudine d’ infermi, di ciechi, di zoppi, di secchi, aspettando il movimento dell’ acqua./4 Perciocché di tempo in tempo un angelo scendeva nella pescina, ed intorbidava l’acqua ; e il primo che vi entrava, dopo l’ intorbidamento dell’ acqua, era sanato, di qualunque malattia egli fosse tenuto. P.S. Stile e qualità pittorica de La Piscina Probatica. Probatica Piscina (detail) - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti). It looks really good! Yes, we did receive the painting. I can't wait until I see it up and personal. Album: Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti), #41/80. I received your email of the photo of the painting I ordered: “The First Lady” by Botero. I will tell a lot of my friends about your website. The paintings look great...!!! Ridolfi (1642, p. 27) indicò per primo l’esatta ubicazione dell’armadio: “A’ meza chiesa dipinse i portelli di un grande armaio, ove si conservano voti di pij divoti, in concorrenza del Pordenone, che un simile nel dirimpetto havea dipinto”. From what I can see, it looks great. Will you please pass on my congratulations to your artist? Dal significato di "Piscina degli agnelli" derivava il nome "Piscina probatica" con cui è anche conosciuta. Rhonda, Great that looks good. please arrange shipment now! 106v e 109v; cfr. Thank you. The second painting is lovely. It has the same impact as the original. Thank you. The picture looks perfect. Appreciate all your good work. Mary. I took it right to a framer who, without me saying a thing, commented by stating "this is absolutely beautifully done work." На эту операцию может потребоваться несколько секунд.Информация появится в новом окне, если открытие новых окон не запрещено в настройках вашего браузера. Click here to report copyright issues. Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike License. Shall revert back in a few days. Probatica Piscina (detail) - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti) -, the largest gallery in the world, Cutting Mat Sales Market End User Analysis Analysis 2020-2035 - The Think Curiouser, Grand Prairie's stadium redevelopment plan could make the city a premier US cricket destination - The Dallas Morning News, Artist Malcolm Brown raised awareness of African American art through pioneering gallery -, Fine Arts Logistics Market Report, History and Forecast 2015-2025, Breakdown Da - News by aeresearch, Baltimore Museum of Art calls off sale of Warhol, Still and Marden after outcry - Art Newspaper, 9 Creative Subscriptions To Gift An Artistic Pal - Refinery29, Vermont artist paints the Long Trail - WCAX, Soup Benefits and Recipes | US News - U.S. News & World Report, Cavaliers appoint globally respected artist Daniel Arsham as creative director, hoping to create larger cultu -, They Will Understand Us in 100 Years. Jacopo Tintoretto - Probatica Piscina - WGA22574.jpg 1,005 × 1,022; 176 KB. 18 Pin • 20 follower. Ready for framing. All the best, Liz, Hi Lewis, looks great! * If the price of some paintings is still 0.00 after select size, please enquiry. Rossi, 1982, p. 179). L’ipotesi più recente, e sicuramente anche più attendibile, è quella di Chiari Moretto Wiel. Thank you, Christine and Robert, Yes, please ship the picture. Thank you; look forward to ordering our next painting from you. Thanks for all your help. Comes no man me to save. 22.06.2017 - Probatica Piscina by @arttintoretto #mannerism The painting looks just g r e a t!! Again, my apologies! Thank you, I will send new order as soon as I can. Thank you very much. I've just received the ordered oil painting and I'm very very happy with the result. I know this is not in your power but if I could get it by the end of next week that would be amazing! Please have both pieces framed. It is perfect and I absolutely love it!! Will Robertson. probatica Raccolte di Carla Benelli. La Probatica Piscina Italian Renaissance Tintoretto for sale, the price is only 5%-20% of the retailing prices at galleries in your city! It is we may be sure Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike License. Thank you. Painting looks nice, you can send it. It looks fabulous!!! Who makes Probatica to swell, Thank you Stephanie. Your team does amazing work! The Chinese painting works well in our red room.. He did do a great job. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus (outside the Church there is no salvation). Please frame and ship. It's so wonderful. 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When can I expect to receive it? Looks good. Thanks! I enjoy looking at my paintings every day. A special thanks to you for helping to fill my walls with great art. Sincerely, George, It's absolutely beautiful! If you want to purchase the handmade oil painting La Probatica Piscina Italian Renaissance Tintoretto in irregular/special size, please fill out "Customer Instructions" in your shopping cart. I will make further orders. I will be ordering another painting or two in the near future for my personal use. var newwind; function popupe(url) {,'name','height=340,width=400'); if (window.focus) {newwind.focus()} } You have me so excited to see them as when I first placed the order... As far as I can tell, the painting looks good. Thank you so much it is great. Sincerely, Robert and Christine, The painting looks great. Paolo Caliari detto il Veronese, La probatica piscina, portelle aperte, 1558-1560. best regards, Pedro Rosario, Yes, they were in great condition. Copyright © 1995 - .Toperfect is trademark of Toperfect Group, see certificates. Please arrange now the shipment, Regards, Beatrice, I received the two paintings, Il’s a superbe and awesome art of work, Thanks, Maxim. It’s always a pleasure working with you! Thank you, It looks great!!! La vecchia, infatti, a differenza di tutti gli altri personaggi che la circondano, non rivolge la sua richiesta di aiuto a Gesù ma allo spettatore. probatica. Yes, please feel free to ship these both at your earliest convenience. It looks beautiful!! Ella ha quindi il compito fondamentale di attirare la nostra attenzione e di farci comprendere che tutti quei malati hanno bisogno del nostro aiuto. Celebre la figura del miracolato che, con in spalla il suo giaciglio, sembra avere tutta l’intenzione di uscire di scena (dal quadro). (poem continues beneath image…) “Probatica Piscina” by Tintoretto “I languish here without a cure Years eight and ten times three. I have one word to describe the painting and that is that its perfect, it is exactly how I wanted and much more. They have done a magnificent job and it has been wonderful to work with you as well. Please go ahead and ship. I cannot wait to see them in person. Please ship with this quality. Please thank the artist for their work and attention to our requests. It looks lovely. They are very talented and it will give us much pleasure. Probatica Piscina. Thank you much, the painting looks really good and I‘m looking forward receiving it. I received my order today, and I am so happy with your service and the quality of the art. Thanks again for your help and I look forward to purchasing from you again. Look forward to seeing the next one!! You can arrange shipment right away. Thank you. Awesome work to all who made this happen. Il nome Betzaeta può significare "casa di misericordia". Thank you so much!!! I look forward to ordering again, The framed, hung pic looks amazing. I received my painting and am very happy with the product. Please do go ahead and start the shipping process. Andrea Mantegna, Martirio di San Cristoforo (1448-1457), Eremitani, Cappella Ovetari, Padova. ... please ship it and I will be quite satisfied with the considerable efforts of your artists. “I languish here without a cure All the best. It looks fine, thank you. Absolutely love both paintings!! Like yearling sheep behind the gate La Probatica Piscina 1578-81 - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti) -, the largest gallery in the world: wikigallery - the largest virtaul gallery in the world with more than 150,000 on … Thank you, Kathleen, Thank you. Well done. The paint looks fantastic ! It looks absouletly beautiful, we are very greatful. Вставить картинку на сайт: Скопируйте и вставьте в исходный код сайта, Вставить картинку в сообщение на форум: Скопируйте и вставьте в текст сообщения, Tintoretto La Probatica Piscina — Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti). Pochi anni dopo Moschini aveva già qualche dubbio sull’intervento, e riteneva “sconcertante l’accenno fatto nel 1660 dal Boschini a quel nudo « che con le gambe l’ordene ressalta »” (1940, p. 257). Thank you to the talented painters who created such beautiful art! I love both of them! Debbie, They are perfect. When I Finally saw it I could not believe my eyes it looked beautiful. The colors look so vibrant and rich. Hi, The picture arrived today. I can’t wait to see them in person when they arrive! Please let the artist know that he has done a great job. Chiudendo questo banner, scorrendo questa pagina, cliccando su Ok o qualunque elemento della pagina acconsenti all'uso dei cookie. This looks awesome! I can not believe how talented your artist is. Salvatore. And if you can put the u drive in it would be greatly appreciated. I also thank you I still have a total of 10 pictures I want to order in the near future. 261-262). Please proceed with stretching and the shipment. Yes, go ahead and make the stretching. For I  am worse than that poor wretch All 3 paintings look absolutely beautiful!!!! It looks beautiful! We are happy with that. Для работы с коллекциями – пожалуйста, войдите в аккаунт (open in new window). Years eight and ten times three. I found this painting on Toperfect and thought that you might be interested. (23.5 x 14.9 cm). Greeetings Jens. As helpless as can be. My hands were shaking opening it. At the moment we are trying to find pictures of the arti…. I will then send you the pictures of my Japanese study room! Excellent painting and excellent service. Thank you for responding. Style: Mannerism (Late Renaissance) Genre: religious painting. Invoice under 20USD. We most definitely approve it. (Giovanni, 5, 2-9 – tratto da La Sacra Bibbia ossia l’Antico e il Nuovo Testamento, tradotti da G. Diodati, Roma, 1903, p. 851). We love it. Please thank the artist for me and arrange for shipment.
2020 piscina probatica tintoretto