i dati statistici che servono per monitorare l’uso del sito internet sono ospitati sulla web farm italiana o su aziende che rispettano le norme europee sulla privacy, Perché sono raccolti  after considering all the responses we already chosen our partners for this project. We are really interested in joining your project Erasmus +. Our school is in Bodrum,Muğla. It would be ideal if the partner school was from a totally different environment, such as a metropolitan area or a coastal town, as a way to increase consciousness. If you are interested to join the team and to share and to improve this plan, please write us at eww-erasmus20@itis.biella.it. google.it/intl/it/policies/privacy/, Google Analytics, utilizzato per avere le statistiche dei visitatori CONTACT: That’s it. – Browser Firefox cliccate qui. Diritti dell'utente We believe that we could be a good partner for you. Thank you for your attention and we are look forward to hearing from you at bouzabrey.erasmus@gmail.com. We carry all the features you are looking for. PROJECT: We would like to make a student exchange in order to discover and to promote the reciprocal land (1-13 Sept 2020 and Sept 2021: partner school in Biella).TARGET: 16/19-year-old students, approx. ITIS Biella News, Biella. I am the project coordinator at my school. In our school, we have students from age 3 to 16 with whom we work with personal care in a familiar environment. Questo sito appartiene a IIS Q. Sella - Biella, Via Fratelli Rosselli 2  13900 - Biella - (BI) -. Tutte le mail, o i dati forniti volontariamente dai visitatori, pervengono esclusivamente al proprietario del sito, Responsabile della conservazione  Privacy Policy. At the partner school, presentation to the local community of the experience lived in Biella by the students.GOAL #3: Spreading the outdoors culture.How: In Biella, short training meetings about outdoors skills and alpine environment supervised by experts on the subjects, before and during the hiking. my school name is the beautiful art school. if you would like more information about us, please feel free to contact us. If the students of the partner school already possess digital skills (for example because they are included in their school path), the training could take place in peer-to-peer form. Nessun dato da noi raccolto è condiviso con altri. Nel caso in cui si vogliano disattivare i cookie del nostro sito web o di qualsiasi altro sito, potete usare le opzioni di configurazione del vostro browser web. You can find more information about our school at www.colexiobouzabrey.com. http://www.samsunbilgiokullari.com/sanaltur/, Hello there! ABOUT US: We are teachers of an Italian secondary school from a small city that lies in the foothills of the Alps, Biella. 3. eventuali richieste spedite dal visitatore del sito tramite “form” di comunicazione, Come sono raccolti mugeozmn@gmail.com, Hi I have read your project is really very interesting and definitely a project we want to participate in. Brexit content disclaimer - If you are interested to join the team and to share and to improve this plan, please write us ateww-erasmus20@itis.biella.it. codogno.simonetta@istitutoalberini.edu.it C.so Pella 4 - 13900 - Biella [email protected] [email protected] Google Maps ©ITIS Q. Sella - Biella 2020. 2. per motivi di sicurezza, indirizzi IP non legati a dati personali (per bloccare accessi non desiderati al sito)  For any questions don't hesitate to contact us. we would like to know more about the project. Let us invite you can also to our website http://3nip-gerak.att.sch.gr where you can find more information about us. Privacy policy - We are the science and art school. I'm Nihan. As a team, we will do our best together to create a good project. Please log in in order to use the contact form. The place to engage with European policy and practice for school education, including Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) and Vocational Education and Training (VET). Are you also looking for an Italian partner? 1. mail spedite a [email protected] e [email protected] 1. per permetterci comunicare  my school offers music and painting education. website). ITIS Q. Sella - Biella Liceo Scientifico opzione Scienze Applicate - Istituto Tecnico: Settore Tecnologico - Liceo Scientifico Sportivo - Corsi serali google.it/intl/it/policies/privacy/. 2. indirizzi IP (resi anonimi) che consentono di fare statistiche di navigazione o di bloccare accessi indesiderati  Dear partner; Siamo a disposizione per qualsiasi dubbio, richiesta di verifica o cancellazione dati. ITIS Q. Sella - Biella Liceo Scientifico opzione Scienze Applicate - Istituto Tecnico: Settore Tecnologico - Liceo Scientifico Sportivo - Corsi serali Chi raccoglie i dati  Adana is a city in the southern part of Turkey. 294 likes. It would be a great opportunity for us to collaborate with you. Chosen partners have been contacted by e-mail. ITIS Biella News, Biella. Europe's online platform for school education. Nessun dato viene usato per fare marketing. Need some help and/or additional information? Simonetta Codogno, hello I'm a teacher at a public school in Adana. We have been awarded several times with the title of Sustainable School. I'm also sending you a promotional film about our city. we're a VET School in Treviso (Venice area). Privacy Policy www.google.com/intl/it/policies/  If you are still looking for partner please mail to me. In case of favourable conditions, it will be possible to have a climbing / via ferrata experience.GOAL #4: Encouraging interest and participation in protecting our territory.How: In Biella, we will write a report that highlights the critical points to be refined or maintained, to be delivered to local authorities that can effectively improve the situation.CONTACT: That’s it. How: In Biella, we will write a report that highlights the critical points to be refined or maintained, to be delivered to local authorities that can effectively improve the situation. IIS Q. Sella, Dati che possono essere raccolti  i dati sono raccolti tramite mail o moduli e sono ospitati internamente alla nostra azienda o sulla web farm italiana We would be glad about it. 3. per la statistica visitatori alle pagine del sito, indirizzi IP non legati a dati personali. Nessun dato da noi ricevuto viene divulgato Hi everybody, We would like that the partner school will plan similar activities in order to show up its territory’s distinctive features. Questo sito utilizza cookie tecnici (necessari alla normale navigazione web) e, in alcune pagine, servizi esterni che possono fare uso di propri cookie: Google Maps, widget utilizzato per mostrare dove siamo we would really love to have different experiences by turning this into an international project. Le statistiche sono attivate in forma anonima tramite ‘anonymize_ip’, Google YouTube, widget utilizzato per mostrare i video - I video sono visualizzati senza cookie usando l'opzione "youtube-nocookie.com" Questo sito non utilizza cookie di profilazione proprietari (quelli che servono, ad esempio, per fare marketing). please contact us for details. Despite our lack of experience, our faculty and students are looking forward to collaborating with other European education centers in order to share experiences and knowledge. Se usate un browser web differente da quelli citati consultate la documentazione dello stesso per sapere come eliminare i cookie. Thank you very much in advance and we will be happy to have a positive response from you. I cookie sono dati salvati in forma testuale (esempio: “dataAccesso=2017-05-24,12:00?) Istituto, https://nibirumail.com/cookies/policy/?url=www.itis.biella.it. Condivisione dei dati  Gifted children who range in age from seven to eighteen study at our school.The students are accepted into our center after three-phased evaluation which takes approximately six months.The teachers who work at our school are selected among professionalists by a special evaluation.Our school vision is to be a model school which strives for a modern Turkey.There are visual arts,technology design,music,mind games,wood painting and information technologies workshops in our school. School Education Gateway Leggi l'informativa estesa https://nibirumail.com/cookies/policy/?url=www.itis.biella.it, Laboratori sportivi, musicali e coreutici, Verbali Collegio Docenti e Cons. Via Fratelli Rosselli 2 - 13900 - Biella C.F./P.Iva 81024080020 [email protected] [email protected] Città Studi Tel 015403213 Fax 015401720 C.so Pella 4 - 13900 - Biella [email protected] [email protected] COORDINATE BANCARIE. 366 likes. Come disattivare i cookie Students' age 14-18. we are already doing a similar study about the environment of our school in physical education classes at our school. If you are interested in collaborating with us please write me at flavius_boian@yahoo.com. Gestione dei cookie I'd appreciate it if you'd prefer us. GOAL #1 – the main aim: (re)discovering and promoting your own territory according to the “slow travel” philosophy.How: In Biella, students and teachers are going on a 5-day hike (about 15 km/day) following an existing route (the“Grande Traversata del Biellese”) that connects most of the historical, naturalistic and devotional attractions in the area, along woods and small villages. In order to add a comment you must be logged in. The students who learn faster than their equals,have high capacity in creativity, art and leadership, can understand the abstract ideas,like acting independently on their interests,overperform and have special academic success study at our educational institution after their schools.There are thirteen teachers and seventy-six students in our school. Questo sito appartiene a IIS Q. Sella - Biella, Via Fratelli Rosselli 2 13900 - Biella - (BI) -. – Browser Internet Explorer cliccate qui. L’utente può revocare in qualsiasi momento il consenso all’uso di cookie anche utilizzando le specifiche funzioni del proprio browser. Hi, we are Colexio Bouza Brey, a multilingual school located in the northwest of Spain, Galicia. Our school ID number:E10245527 The age range of my students is 14-18. my students are selected with a special aptitude test. A partire da mercoledì 1° luglio 2020 le nuove coordinate bancarie dell'Istituto sono le seguenti: fatmayilmaz0304@gmail.com THE PARTNER: We are looking for a partner school for our KA229 project, that is intended for 16-19 years old students (we imagine to work with a different school each year). Informativa sui cookie Check out the Support materials page. 7 Italian students + 7 partner school students for each exchange. we archive them in the form of video presentations by taking images. There are 270 students and 45 teachers at my school. Hello, my name is Flavius Boian and I am the teacher in charge with the Erasmus+ projects of "Spiru Haret" National College. Anyway, any remarkable aspects could be chosen by the partner school, which is totally free to define the most suitable activities to do while hosting our students, without diverging from the main purpose of (re)discovering and promoting, though. Nessun dato da noi raccolto è condiviso con altri. I am interested in your project. Nihan. Dati societari I expect information from you. Cookie notice, Europe's online platform for school education, Contact the organisation here or by using the additional contact details provided (e.g. GOAL #2: collection, redaction and dissemination of digital content (videos, booklets, brochures, GPS data and coordinates) to be presented to future tourists.How: In Biella, before the hiking experience, some preparation courses for students from both schools (2 days) will take place in order to acquire the necessary digital skills. We are a Kindergarten(age 4-6) in Greece, active in environmental issues for many years and we continue up to date to be active in this field. L’Utente è libero di configurare il proprio browser per accettare o rifiutare automaticamente tutti i cookie o per ricevere sullo schermo un avviso della trasmissione di ciascun cookie e decidere di volta in volta se accettarlo. eTwinningThe community for schools in Europe, © 2016 School Education Gateway, All rights reserved - We also have a Special Education program. best regards, The environment will be studied from different points of view: wildlife and nature, culture (local gastronomic traditions, handcraft, traditions, …), sport, architecture and art, etc. We are waiting for your reply.❤️ We wish you great success with your projects. We teach students aged 6 to 19 years and our college is located in Targu Jiu, a small but beautiful city. Thank you again for your interest. we have Erasmus + experience All the best my mail address: ageomat@gmail.com http://cukurovagsl.meb.k12.tr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUXK33sD8eg (promotion of the city). – Browser Google Chrome cliccate qui. Tel 0158556811 Fax 0158556870 email: infoce@itis.biella.it. Disclaimer - Per sapere come farlo in ciascun browser seguite questi collegamenti: Please log in before adding something to your favourites. L'Utente può richiedere l'aggiornamento, l'integrazione, la cancellazione dei dati raccolti, inviando una mail all'indirizzo del responsabile della conservazione dei dati. utilizzati dal sito che li ha generati per fornire servizi legati alla navigazione. Love from Turkey Bodrum We would love to work with you on this project because we believe our interests will match and we will be able to create a beautiful result at the end of this project.
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